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Young People's Performing Company

Code of Conduct

YPPC is a place of Trust and Respect. Participants agree to the following expectations:

  • To treat our working and performing space with respect: only touching set and prop pieces with permission, helping with simple maintenance tasks that may be necessary, refraining from defacing or damaging facility, sets, costumes, or props.


  • To treat the production with respect: giving attention to the director during class, learning my lines by the assigned date, attending all classes, dress rehearsal, and performances unless excused by the director.

  • To treat others and self with respect and building trust: giving attention to classmates’ presentations, offering constructive feedback only, using kind language, keeping personal information shared during class private, speaking up for self and others to either director, another trusted adult or friend.

  • To treat the Durham Arts Council with respect: calmly walking to and from entrance and theater, only going in the art gallery with parent’s permission, being polite to other people in the building.

  • To treat our attention with respect: using screens during class time is prohibited. Seen out without permission, the screen will be placed in the box for the remainder of the class. Students are responsible for remembering their screens at the end of class.

  • To treat images with respect: only taking, printing, posting pictures and/or videos with permission of the person and their parent.

No matter age, experience, role, race, religion, nationality, orientation, identity, affiliation, status, ability place on the spectrum, all students are equals and welcome at YPPC.

No matter age, experience, role, race, religion, nationality, orientation, identity, affiliation, status, ability, place on the spectrum, ALL students are equals at YPPC

Young People's Performance Company

New Class for 2023!

Creative Movement with 

Rebecca Drake-Pelli


(919) 972-6818

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